Steps to curb co2 emmissions

Efforts to help the world curb co2 emmissions 
 can start from the kitchen and the living room. Here’s what you can do
Remove incandescent light bulb Use CFL
· Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl). CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb. This not only reduces pollution, it also saves electricity as wll as money spent on power. This simple switch will save about 140kg of carbon dioxide a year.
Clean your AC Filters every month
· Clean or replace filters of your air conditioner. A monthly step not only gives more effective air conditioning ,but also cleaning a dirty air filter can save 150kg of carbon dioxide a year
The energy-efficient products
· When making new purchases of electrical gadgets, Choose energy efficient appliances. Look for the Energy Star label on new appliances to choose the most energy-efficient products available.
Switch off appliances when not in use
Do not leave appliances on standby when not in use, Use “on/off” function on the appliance. A Television switched on for 3 hours a day . It uses about 40% of its energy in standby modes. Similarly Electric Kettle and computer also consume energy in the standby mode,
Ramp up fridges and freezers
Always regularly defrost fridges and freezers, if they are old. New model of fridges and freezers are energy efficient. It is better is to replace them with newer models. These are easier to maintain.
Cover pots while cooking
Cover your pots while cooking, doing so can help save a lot thee energy needed for preparing the dish. This step not only save energy,it also helps to save vitamins and minerals. Even better are pressure cookers and steamers: they can save around 70 per cent .
Use Washing machine
Use the washing machine only when they are full. If you need to use it when it is half full, and then use the half-load setting. Nowadays, detergents are so efficient that they get you clothes clean at low temperatures.
Install Solar Heater
Install solar heater on the roof top for heating water and running air coolers. This can replace the power supply. The solar heater installed one will save for a long time to come.
Install air coolers
Air coolers are more effective than air conditions in the absence of rains. They save 75 % electricity power and cool much larger area. I spent Rs 1800 against 7500 last year.